Calling all El natural gals! If you have some natural beauty recipes you'd like to share with the rest of our viewers please use the form below. Or if you own a site and would like to add a few of your recipes along with your site for credit, please do so!
Recipe Name:
Recipe Type:
Recipe Ingredients:
Recipe Directions:
Please provide the name or website in which you would like credit for under the recipe. If you wish to remain anonymous, please leave blank:
ex: hair conditioner, skin care cleanser, bath soak etc etc.
Please note: Please use concise ingredients and amounts. Also detailed directions (apply to damp hair etc.) Also, please only send recipes you have used and add any comments in the directions box. And please, do not copy a recipe from another site, unless you are the owner of that site.
Not all submitted recipes will be listed, but we will try! Thank you :)
Homemade beauty Recipes
Free natural recipes for your face, hair, body, and bath.
All homemade beauty recipes and content on this website are intended as general and recreational information only, Use these recipes, information and ideas at your own risk.