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Natural Nail Care Recipes
Nails often take the brunt of abuse during our busy days. Pamper your tips and toes with organic nail recipes like peppermint oil or cuticle cream to soften rough dry cuticles and more! Natural nail care is quick and simple and you can find the ingredients right in your cupboard!
Do it yourself, manicures and pedicures with Homemade natural nail recipes. Homemade nail care recipes: Cuticle cream. Rough feet exfoliator. Cuticle soak. Nail whitening. Nail strengthening. Foot soak. Hand soaks. Scroll down to see instructions on how to give yourself a manicure and pedicure at home.
1. Remove any old nail polish.

2. Shape the nail, using a file or emery board. File each nail tip from corner to center; do not file in a see-saw motion with the emery board because doing so can cause ridges in the nail and nail splitting. By filing nails to a point...this will make nails weak. A rounded or square form is the strongest.

3. Soak the hands in warm, soapy water for a few minutes to remove dirt. This will also soften cuticles and make it easier to push cuticles back. Clean under free edge of nail with orangewood stick.

4. The cuticle is the skin that grows from the finger onto the base of the nail (nail root). Push the cuticle gently back. Leaving the cuticle intact helps to prevent infection of the nail growing tissue. NEVER cut cuticles! This can cause the nail to die if done improperly!

5. Apply a base coat. We highly recommend calcium gel. This works wonders to help nails grow faster and hardens as well. Allow to dry for a minute or two. Next apply 2 coats of favorite polish. Then finish with a shine sealer. Allow nails to fully dry for at least an hour.

6. Finally, apply a moisturizing cream or lotion to the hands and cuticles. This will help prevent splitting of the nails.
Do it yourself manicure:
Do it yourself pedicure:
1. Exfoliate wet feet. You can choose to soak feet if you have time. This step will make exfoliating easier. Use a body or foot scrub. Scrub each foot for at least 5 minutes in a circular motion. Rinse well. Pat dry.

2. Apply moisturizer. This is a great time to give yourself as quick massage.
3. Apply a cuticle remover cream. Then push back cuticles gently with cuticle stick. Never cut your cuticles.

4. File nails into square-oval shape. You may choose to do this step before you soak and scrub.

5. Buff nails with white buffer.

6. Shine nails with 3-way buffer. Black, white, gray is the order!

7. Wash nails with soap and water to remove oil.

8. Dehydrate nail surface with primer. You can use rubbing alcohol or nail polish remover to do this. Just apply to cotton ball then swipe over nails and allow to dry. This will remove all oils and access moisturizer.
9. Apply a thin coat of clear base coat. Let dry.

10. Apply 1st coat of colored polish. Let dry a minute or 2. Then apply 2nd coat of polish, if needed, and let dry a minute or 2 again for best results.

12. Finish with a topcoat polish. Sit still and let nails dry!  Nails will take a minimum of an hour to dry before shoes can be worn.
Natural Nail Care Recipes ---------------------------------------------------
Simple Olive Cuticle Oil
Cuticle Cream
Cuticle Softener
Cooling Cuticle Oil
Anti-Aging Cuticle Oil
Healing Cuticle Oil
Peppermint Massage Oil
Tropical Cuticle Cream
Sweet Milk Foot Soak
Anti-Aging Hand soak
Nail Strengthening Soak
Anti-Aging Hand Treatment
Nail Whitener Soak
Nail Stain Remover
Strengthening Gelatin Nail Soak
Divine Hand and foot scrub
To Die for Smoothing Scrub!
Anti-Aging Scrub
Apricot Scrub
Applelicious Scrub
Peppermint Scrub
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